Bespoke IT Solutions

Document Management

As you would expect, the FAPCOTECH team enjoy outstanding experience and expertise in the creation and implementation of customized document management solutions. Organizations hardly ever share exactly the same document management needs, so each solution has to be tailored uniquely to individual requirements.

Flexible and friendly

After making a thorough assessment of a customer’s existing document management set-up, we determine exactly how their document circulation network needs to be either created or reconfigured to ensure optimum access, security and versatility. Our solutions are designed to deliver some or all of the following key elements, depending on customer specifications, network size and requirements:-

  • Maximum access and document transfer facilities
  • Flexible network tiering
  • Effective security – including different levels where relevant
  • Appropriate firewalls and passwords for confidential areas
  • A flexible and practical set-ups for wide ease of use
  • System compatibility with other sites or customer systems
  • Simple upgrading capability
  • Efficient and proven back-up
  • Anti-virus and hacker protection.

Range of options

There are innumerable levels of document search and management which we can assist you to implement. These options include:-

  • basic search and management of corporate or departmental documents
  • simple document publishing
  • securing of sensitive information
  • central repository for shared documents
  • the ability to set up your own document categories
  • uploading or identifying documents on shared drives
  • limiting access where necessary
  • delegation of information management and responsibilities.

Newgen's Shrink-wrap ECM suite:

Today's highly competitive business landscape requires organizations, big and small, to quickly innovate and optimize their business. While most vendors focus only on large corporations, the technology needs of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) remain largely unaddressed.

As a strategic initiative towards taking enterprise class solutions to the mass market and helping more organizations become process driven and efficient, Newgen has launched the shrink-wrapped versions of its enterprise class solutions - OmniDocs, OmniScan and SAP Image Enablement. The quick-to-deploy shrink-wrap solutions with integrated features will deliver the flexibility and business agility, required by SMEs to achieve operational excellence.

Newgen's proven ECM expertise provides the necessary tools, to streamline processes, manage records, build a paperless (or at least a less paper) work environment, and comply with regulations. Newgen's enterprise class ECM products have enabled Banks, Non-banking Financial Institutions, Insurance firms, BPOs, Healthcare Organizations, Government departments, Telecom Companies and Shared Service Centers, to manage documents and make better decisions faster.

  • Enables partners and clients to achieve quick and easy deployment of ECM capabilities
  • Reduces business cycle time and delivers faster ROI by leveraging the capabilities of Newgen's proven ECM expertise
  • Provides the necessary capabilities to proactively respond to changing market requirements

For further information about our Document Management solution, please contact our Sales & Marketing Department.

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Email :, P.O. Box 21835 Safat 13079 Kuwait
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