Web Publishing

img_web_publishing.jpgIf you are in the Newspaper or Printed Media, then this tool is the ideal solution for your dynamic web presence.

FAPCOTECH has created a revolutionary on-line Publishing Software facility that allows the leveraging of current production processes, whilst providing the added functionality available to content being presented on the web.

FAPCOTECH’s Automated Web Publishing solution has been designed to:-

  • put the power of content back with the editorial staff
  • provide all the technical capabilities a publisher needs
  • produce statistics that give management the ability to understand their web presence. 

Complete platform

The Tool is a complete web publishing platform that enables companies in the media business to create and maintain compelling sites for their newsreaders and advertisers. It is a user-friendly tool tailored specifically to empower publishers to provide timely, branded content and allow non-technical users to publish and edit multiple content anywhere, anytime, from any web browser connected to the Internet.

Product Specs

FAPCOTECH’s Web Publishing Tool is an integrated website management application.  Its key features may be summarized as follows:-

  • The tool works right on top of existing websites, requiring no special templates or modifications to prior code
  • It comes as a licensed version, fully web- enabled, allowing on-line administration without the need to be installed on your server
  • It constitutes an editor tool which brings the power of professional web editing tools to the web
  • It possesses all the capabilities to keep web sites fresh, and keep visitors coming back again and again
  • It comes complete with text and picture editing, link creation, table tools, image uploading new page wizard, and an HTML editing option. 
  • Bilingual support.

The most important characteristic, however, is its simplicity

Anyone with the most basic knowledge of computers can use it with ease.  Its intuitive editing process bypasses the cumbersome computer maze of filenames, FTP servers, and programming languages, creating a visual and simple way to update websites.

For further information about our Web Publishing tool or a Free Demo, please contact our Sales & Marketing Department.

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Email : info@fapcotech.com, P.O. Box 21835 Safat 13079 Kuwait
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